May Cooler Than Normal, But Warmer Than Last Year

Sheldon, Iowa — Temperatures in Sheldon during May this year were slightly cooler than normal, but warmer than May of 2020.

Sheldon’s average high temperature for the month of May, 2021 was 68-degrees, some four degrees cooler than the normal average high of 72. However, compared to May of last year, our average high was three degrees warmer. The average high temperature was helped out this year by a record-breaking 93-degree high that was recorded on May 2nd. That high surpassed the old record for May 2nd, which was 87-degrees, which had been recorded in 1901, 1959, 1965, and most recently in 1987.

As for low temperatures in May, we recorded an average low of 47-degrees, which is also the average normal low for the month of May. We were just one degree warmer, however, than May of 2020, when the average low was 46-degrees.

Turning to precipitation, we received 3.12-inches of precip in May this year, which is .25-inches less than a normal May and 1.37-inches below the amount of precipitation during May, 2020.

Sheldon’s official high and low temperatures, along with official precipitation measurement are recorded at 7:00 am each day, with records compiled by KIWA’s Larry Ahrens.

