NCC Hosting High School/College Art Show

Sheldon, Iowa — Northwest Iowa Community College is hosting the Northwest Iowa Fine Arts Show through Wednesday, concluding with a Fine Arts Invitational and Award Ceremony on Wednesday at noon. Students from area high schools as well as NCC students are participating.
NCC Sign Crop
NCC Director of Student Development, Dr. Beth Frankenstein tells us how the idea for the art show got started.

She tells us about the ceremony on Wednesday.

NCC art instructor Holly DeGrote says she’s glad that they’ve been able to offer such an event.

She says each student could submit two works of art up to a total of thirty pieces per school. All submitted artwork was original and executed by individual artists.

She says this Wednesday, May 13, all students participating in the show are invited to the Fine Arts Invitational and Award Ceremony. First, second, and third place awards will be given in each category, with honorable mentions awarded at the juror’s discretion. Two overall awards will also be given: A Best of Show award, chosen by art teachers, and a Students’ Choice award, as voted on by participating art students. Again, the art show and the ceremony are in Building “A” on the NCC campus.

According to Dr. Frankenstein, all of the schools in the NCC service area were invited to participate. Of those schools, Boyden-Hull, Central Lyon, George-Little Rock, MOC-Floyd Valley, Okoboji, Rock Valley, Sheldon, Sibley, Sioux Center, West Sioux, and West Lyon are participating, along with NCC student artists.

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