New Feed Mill Coming To Boyden

FarmersCoopSocietyBoyden, Iowa — Farmer’s Coop Society has announced their intention to build a new $14.75 million dollar feed mill in Boyden.

The new feed mill will be in addition to FCS’s existing feed mills and will have the ability to manufacture a total of 3,000 tons per day, with a third of that amount being in pellet form.  Brad DeVries, FCS Feed Manager says Boyden is the heart of his company’s present feed territory, and the new mill will optimize transportation efficiencies for ingredients as well as finished feed.  DeVries says the mill will be state of the art, and allow FCS to take advantage of new business opportunities within the industry.

When the mill is fully operational it will require 45 semi loads of ingredients, up to 70 loads of corn, and produce 115 semi loads of complete feed per day.  DeVries says the FCS feed team is excited about the opportunity the new mill will provide to grow their business in northwest Iowa and the surrounding area.

