New High BP Threshold Means You Could Have High Blood Pressure

Primghar, Iowa — More than 100-million adults in the United States will now be categorized as having high blood pressure, according to a new guideline endorsed by the two major U.S. cardiology groups.

The new standard threshold for being considered to have high blood pressure is 130 over 80. That compares to the old threshold of 140 over 90. Nancy Corcoran of Baum Harmon Mercy Medical in Primghar, says the change is based on recent research findings.

Corcoran says that, while 130 over 80 is the general guideline, individuals may actually have a lower threshold for high blood pressure.

She says many people have high blood pressure without knowing it.

She says you can help avoid high blood pressure by living a healthier lifestyle: eat well-balanced, low-sodium meals; limit alcohol intake; get regular physical exercise; maintain a healthy weight; and don’t smoke…or if you do smoke, quit.

