New ISP Public Resource Officer Visits KIWA Morning Show

Sheldon, Iowa — Post 6 of the Iowa State Patrol has a new Public Resource Officer, a position that had been held for several years by Trooper Vince Kurtz, who left late last year when he was promoted to Sergeant.

Sergeant Kurtz and his Resource Officer replacement, Trooper Nick Erdmann of Spencer, visited the KIWA studios earlier this week, and appeared on the KIWA Morning Show with Wayne & Aaron.

Trooper Erdmann tells us that being a trooper wasn’t always his aspiration, but that he went to college to study Hotel, Restaurant, Tourism. He talked about how his career focus changed.

Erdmann says he wanted to get the Resource Officer job to be more involved in community policing.

He says it didn’t take much arm twisting to get him to go after the position.

Sergeant Kurtz talked about the differences between his old job, and his new one.

Trooper Erdmann will now be appearing on the KIWA Morning Show once each month, normally on the first Thursday. However, Sergeant Kurtz said this weeks appearance wouldn’t be his last. As he phrased it, “This isn’t goodbye, it’s see you later.”
