October SLIGHTLY Warmer, Wetter Than Average

thermometer - 102 degreesSheldon, Iowa — If you thought this October felt like an unusually warm one here in northwest Iowa, you were right, if only a little bit.

The average high temperature for the month of October, as recorded at the KIWA Studios, was 64-degrees, with the average low temperature of 39-degrees.  The 64-degree average high only surpasses the average high temperature for October by 2-degrees, while the Average monthly low this year of 39 was only 1-degree warmer than the average of 38-degrees.

We were slightly wetter for the month of October, 2016, as well, receiving 2.05-inches of total rainfall for the month, compared to 1.92-inches in the average October.  That makes this October 1.92-inches of precipitation wetter than average.

We are well below the average snowfall compared to the average October.  The October average for snowfall is 0.8-inches.  Since we have yet to see our first snowflake of the season, we are sitting at 0.8-inches of snow behind the average October.  Save for those whose businesses revolve around snow….whether moving it, or playing in it….the lack of snowfall so far probably doesn’t disappoint very many people in our area.

