Orange City, Iowa — The way our election system is set up means poll workers from both major parties are needed to get people their ballots and help in other ways at the polls. National Poll Worker Recruitment Day is coming up on January 25th, and Sioux County Elections Administrator Kalyn Decker is using the opportunity to recognize the need for election workers in the county.
Decker says, “We have a great team of local community members who staff the polls in the county and we are always looking for more help. In particular, we need more people who are NOT registered as a Republican so that we have a better mix of party affiliations.”
She tells us that Sioux County staffs 10 different polling locations throughout the county for primary and general elections. Decker says there is also a team of workers in charge of counting absentee ballots and helping with other election tasks at the courthouse. Election workers receive training and are paid for their time, according to Decker.
She says that for the June Primary and November General Election this year, Sioux County will have over 100 workers helping out. She says that using local citizens is an important part of fair and transparent elections.
If you’d like to learn more about becoming an election worker, you can contact Decker in the Sioux County Auditor’s Office at 712-737-2216 or at