Poverty Simulation Coming To Sheldon

Sheldon, Iowa — There are many poor people among us. The general public and especially those who help the poor are getting a chance to “walk a mile in their shoes”.
NCC Sign Crop
The Family Life Awareness Council, in connection with the Northwest Iowa Area Education Agency is hosting a Poverty Simulation at NCC in Sheldon on Friday, April 23rd from 9 AM until noon. It’s free of charge and open to the public.

Jennifer Mars with the Northwest AEA says the purpose is to create an awareness of factors that can stress many of the families.

She tells us about the history of the event.

Mars says they are inviting community members to attend.

She says that during the simulation, participants role-play the lives of low-income families, from single parents trying to care for their children to senior citizens trying to maintain their self-sufficiency on Social Security.

Mars says it can be a great teaching tool.

If you’re interested, you can call and register with NWAEA by calling Joyce Vander Wilt at 1-800-572-5073 Ext 7805. Again it’s Friday, April 23rd at NCC in Sheldon.

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