Prairie Heritage Center – Where Eagles Soar

O’Brien County, Iowa — Watching a bald eagle soar overhead is a breathtaking sight, and this Saturday you’ll have the chance to see a number of these magnificent birds at the Prairie Heritage Center near Sutherland.

O’Brien County Naturalist Charlene Elyea tells us more.

Elyea says you can watch the birds from the comfort of the Prairie Heritage Center.

She says the majesty of the eagles fill people with a sense of awe.

Elyea says the Prairie Heritage Center has been open for eleven years, and they’re continuing their mission to encourage people to care about our natural resources.

She says the Center has a ton of field trips come through year-round.

Once again, Saturday’s Eagle Watch will run from 9:30 to 4:00 at the Prairie Heritage Center, which is located at 4931 Yellow Avenue, between Sutherland and Peterson.

For more information you can visit their website,, or follow them on Facebook.



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