Regent Universities Requesting An Increase In State Funding

Statewide Iowa — The Board of Regents Thursday approved a funding request from the state of nearly 639 million dollars.

The plan would give a seven million dollar increase to Iowa State University, and four million each to the University of Iowa and the University of Northern Iowa. The three state university presidents touched on the need for funding in their regular remarks to the board. ISU president Wendy Wintersteen opened the remarks.

She says they also have technology needs.

UNI president Mark Nook says the school returns the investment to the state.

University of Iowa president Barbara Wilson says the increase will be targeted at student support.

The Board of Regents approved the appropriations request without any comment from the board members.



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Unemployment rate drops in April

The April unemployment rate dropped to two-point-eight percent compared to two-point-nine percent in March. Iowa Workforce Development director, Beth Townsend, says