Riverboat Foundation To Offer Mini Grants

Larchwood, Iowa – The Lyon County Riverboat Foundation has decided to offer mini grants. They are billed as “a new and easy way to secure a $2000 grant for a special project.”
Lyon County Riverboat LCRF_logo_lg
The foundation says they are helping local non-profit organizations get the money they need to better their community. Foundation officials say that $100,000 is available in new Mini Grants. Starting right now, non-profit organizations are able to apply for a Mini Grant and receive up to $2,000.

Jeff Gallagher, President of the Lyon County Riverboat Foundation says that they are excited to offer non-profits in our area a new and easy way to secure the money they need to complete projects that will benefit the community.

Each Mini Grant is catered to non-profit organizations in Lyon County and counties surrounding Grand Falls Casino and Golf Resort not just in Iowa, but in Minnesota and South Dakota too. The short application process and guidelines are located on the Foundation’s website at www.lyoncountyriverboatfoundation.org. Time is running out to apply. Applications are due by 2:00 PM on Tuesday, June 23, 2015.
Grand Falls Casino sign at night
Organizations that receive a mini grant, must attend an awards ceremony on July 21, 2015 at Grand Falls Casino and Golf Resort in order to receive their money. For more details call the LCRF office at (712) 472-0011.

The Lyon County Riverboat Foundation is the non-profit license holder for Grand Falls Casino & Golf Resort. The Lyon County Riverboat Foundation provides financial resources to non-profit organizations and local government to complete important projects

The foundation’s executive assistant, Dave Childress says the percentage that the foundation gets from the casino is not changing. Fifty percent of those dollars will continue to go to competitive grant recipients and fifty percent will continue to go to non-competitive grant recipients such as the county, cities, and schools.

Some of the money designated for competitive grants will go for for these new mini grants.

Childress says the mini-grants are expected to continue, but that decision rests with the board.



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