Sanborn Gets The Most Snow, With Over Eight Inches Reported

Northwest Iowa — Northwest Iowa saw some significant snowfall from Tuesday night into Wednesday. The snow and the wind combined to make travel difficult.

Four inches was a common amount of snow to have received in northwest Iowa, and it was the lowest amount recorded. Four inches were reported in Sheldon, Rock Rapids, Orange City, and Sioux Center. Just across the state line in Sioux Falls, they also had four inches. George had just a little more at four and a half.

A little bit more snow was received in the Hospers area, with five inches, according to the National Weather Service. The next highest amount was Sioux City with 5.9 inches. Hull and Remsen both reported six inches. A small island near Matlock and the city of Spirit Lake both reported six and a half inches. But the most snow was reported by a small area near Sanborn on Wednesday morning with 8.6 inches of the cold, white stuff, according to the weather service.

The sounds of shovels, snowplows, and snowblowers were common across the area.



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