School Board Votes To Stay With KeBecca Services…For Now

Sheldon, Iowa — The Sheldon Community Schools Board of Education met in special session Wednesday night with only two items on the agenda.  Both issues had been tabled from the regular monthly meeting last week.

Sheldon-Schools-logoThe Board voted to continue the District’s contract with KeBecca Services.  KeBecca is a Special Education program that operates at East Elementary, and includes two students from the Sheldon District, as well as four students from other school districts.  The Sheldon District has utilized the KeBecca services for the past three years.  Prior to that time, these students were transported to Sioux Falls each day to Children’s Home Services.  The Board voted unanimously to continue the KeBecca program for another year, continuing to evaluate the students’ progress during that time.

In other action, the Board selected a health insurance provider for the 2015-16 school year.  Superintendent Robin Spears told the Board that the District’s teachers had heard presentations introducing health insurance from Coventry as an alternative to Wellmark, which is the District’s current carrier.  Following the presentation, Spears says 81% of the teachers voted in favor of the Wellmark plan with Iowa Star Schools.  Since the District’s Board Policy says that health insurance benefits may not be changed without negotiation with the Sheldon Education Association, the Board voted to apply for Wellmark coverage through Iowa Star Schools.

