Schools Have Now Received Over $1 Million Each From Foundation

Larchwood, Iowa — The three public schools in Lyon County have now received over a million dollars each from the Lyon County Riverboat Foundation, since the Grand Falls Casino opened in 2011.
Grand Falls Casino sign at night
The foundation is the non-profit license holder for the casino. State law mandates a certain percentage of the casino’s gaming take has to go back to the community.

The foundation has announced the fourth quarter 2016 Non-Competitive Grant awards, and they total nearly $241,000.

The foundation’s Non-Competitive Grant program distributes half of the foundation’s total revenue directly to the cities, schools, and county government in Lyon County based upon population. For 2016 LCRF has distributed over $955,000 to the eight cities, three public schools and the county government in Lyon County and over $6 million since inception. The funds are programmed by each city council or school board and the County Board of Supervisors. The other half — another $6 million — has been given to non-profit projects in the competitive grant process.

The schools (West Lyon, Central Lyon and George-Little Rock) received a little over $40,000 each this quarter. The cities received in the range of about $12,000 to nearly $15,000 this time.

The agreement between the casino and the non-profit stipulates that for the first $20 million the casino collects in gambling winnings in a year, they will give the foundation 4.5 percent. When they get up to $20 million, the percentage goes up to 4.75 percent; and when they get up to $30 million, it goes to 5 percent.



City-School-County 4th Qrt 2016 total Since inception
Alvord 12,225.29 48,590.65 308,186.49
Doon 12,651.76 50,192.64 318,222.93
George 13,175.19 52,269.21 331,350.27
Inwood 12,898.39 50,571.08 323,789.14
Larchwood 12,952.50 51,385.74 325,745.06
Lester 12,357.27 49,024.33 310,902.21
Little Rock 12,528.97 49,705.50 315,098.75
Rock Rapids 14,703.84 58,333.77 369,795.46
Central Lyon CSD 40,171.08 159,368.58 1,003,103.82
George Little Rock CSD 40,171.08 159,368.58 1,003,103.82
West Lyon CSD 40,171.08 159,368.58 1,003,103.82
County of Lyon 16,990.07 67,403.79 427,292.97
TOTALS 240,996.52 955,582.45 6,039,694.74
