Sheldon City Council Meeting Is On TUESDAY Instead Of Wednesday This Week

Sheldon, Iowa — Due to several council members being unavailable for the Sheldon City Council to meet on their regular date and time, the meeting has been moved to this Tuesday, September 19th, at 4:30 p.m.

As usual, the meeting will be in the Council Chambers in the Sheldon Community Services Center on 9th Street.

At the meeting, the council will get an update on the airport runway and fuel system update projects.

On the consent agenda, the council is set to approve a temporary street closure of 5th Avenue for the Sheldon Fire Company, the Snow Trackers Route, the reappointment of Keith Rolston and Mark Brown to the Recreation Trails Board, the appointment of Stan Ten Kley to the Recreation Trails Board, the appointment of Michael Stewart to the Library Board, the retirement notice from Water Superintendent Keith Vaandrager in January, the date for a special council meeting for Wednesday, October 25th for an emergency planning roundtable with O’Brien County EMA Director Jared Johnson, the hiring of Conner McDonald to the water operator position, a resolution setting a Public Hearing on the Community Development and Housing Needs Assessment regarding the corner HC Lane buildings at 324 & 326 9th Street, an Engagement Agreement with Ahlers & Cooney, P.C. to update the Urban Renewal Area & Plan, a resolution approving an Engagement Agreement with DA Davidson underwriters to facilitate an update to the Urban Renewal Area & Plan and/or explore potential bonding, the reappointment of Dasiel Gonzalez to the Fire Department, the Street Finance Report, and the Tax Increment Finance Report.

They will also consider the approval of a route for a 5k run for the Awakening Grace Foundation, and the 2nd reading of the adoption of the proposed Code of Ordinances of the City of Sheldon.

Again, the meeting is on Tuesday rather than Wednesday this week, and it will be at 4:30 in the Council Chambers at the Sheldon Community Services Center.



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