Daily Sheldon Water Consumption

Sheldon, Iowa — Several towns around the area have issued water conservation guidelines in recent days, and Sheldon joined that effort, issuing a “Water Watch” for users of the Sheldon Water System.

The sustainable water usage rate for Sheldon is 1,100,000 gallons daily. This rate is subject to change depending on rainfall and changing drought conditions. 

Under a Water Watch, all customers of the municipal water service are encouraged to limit or curtail all nonessential uses of water in order to conserve precious water resources during the time of shortage. Customers may be encouraged to comply with the following voluntary standards:

1. No watering of lawns, shrubs or gardens between the hours of eight o’clock (8:00) a.m. and eight-thirty (8:30) p.m.

2. No water should be used to fill private swimming pools, children’s wading pools, reflecting pools or any other outdoor pool or pond.

3. No water should be used to wash streets, parking lots, driveways, sidewalks or building exteriors.

4. No water should be used for nonessential cleaning of commercial and industrial equipment, machinery, and interior spaces.

5. Water should be served at restaurants only upon the request of the customer.

The situation has been caused by a lack of rain during the long drought, combined with the recent hot temperatures that have increased water usage.

Sheldon City officials are thanking people in advance for their cooperation during this Water Watch.



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