Sibley-Ocheyedan Schools Staff Member Tests Positive For COVID-19

Sibley, Iowa — A member of the staff at the Sibley-Ocheyedan Community Schools has been diagnosed with COVID-19, according to a release from Sibley-Ocheyedan Superintendent James Craig.

Craig says this is the first and only case in the Sibley-Ocheyedan district that he is aware of at the present time. Craig says the person is a staff member who will be quarantined at home for fourteen days from when they presented with the symptoms.

According to Craig the staff member is isolated in their duties, and after discussion with Osceola County Public Health they determined that no further quarantine is necessary. He says, due to privacy laws, the identity of the staff member and dates of quarantine are not being released.

The release went on to say Sibley-Ocheyedan Community Schools continue to strongly recommend that staff and students wear masks when six feet of social distancing cannot be maintained for longer than fifteen minutes. Stay home if you are sick. The District also reminds parents to take their children’s temperatures before coming to school and recommends anyone contact their family doctor if they present with any of the following symptoms:
Fever above 100.4℉ or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting

Sibley-Ocheyedan Community Schools parents who have questions are asked to contact school nurse Ashley Hensch at 712-754-3636.

