Snow Days Become Online Learning Days

Estherville, Iowa — The definition of “snow day” is changing for middle school and high school students in one northwest Iowa school district. Tara Paul, superintendent at Estherville-Lincoln Central Schools, says there will be “online learning days” in her district when winter weather is too treacherous for students and staff to get to school.

There could be longer assignments for high school courses.

Teachers are encouraged to collaborate on course work.

The school has plotted out a schedule for up to nine snow days. The first three days classes in the classroom are canceled will be “online learning days” for students. The next three snow days will be professional development days for staff. Snow days number seven, eight and nine — if there are that many snow days in the Estherville-Lincoln Central District this season — would be more “virtual days’ for students. The school is making arrangements for students who do not have online access outside of school, so all students can be involved in the learning process during a snow day. If the weather is truly frightful, with power being knocked out in the area, the school will opt for the traditional snow day — and kids in the Estherville-Lincoln Central district will not have to check in online.
