Trio Of Area Projects Receive Department of Clutural Affairs Grants

Northwest Iowa — Three northwest Iowa projects have been awarded grants for cultural projects.

The Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs has awarded $2-million in grants for projects across the state, including nearly $17-thousand here in the KIWA listening area.

According to the Department of Cultural Affairs, the grants were awarded on a competitive basis.

In Lyon County, Central Lyon Elementary School was awarded a $1-thousand grant for purchase of art equipment, namely an alto metallophone, and writing journals.

Two Sioux County entities were awarded grants. The Orange City Arts Council received $71-hundred for an art project. In addition, the Department of Cultural Affairs approved an $8,867 grant for the Northwestern College Newspaper Preservation Project, which will enable the saving of exisiting copies of student newspapers to microfilm and digital copies.

There were no Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs grants approved for projects in O’Brien or Osceola counties.



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