Weekly USDA Crop Report

USDA NASSNorthwest Iowa — The latest Iowa Crop Progress and Condition Report, issued by the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service blames damp foggy conditions for slowing fieldwork in Iowa last week.  But, the report says, farmers were able to make some harvest progress during the 5.2 days suitable for fieldwork last week. Many farmers reported waiting for crops to dry down in the field before harvesting and concentrating on corn rather than soybeans. Other activities for the week included fall tillage, manure and fertilizer applications, and seeding of cover crops, according to the report.

Statewide, topsoil moisture levels rated 1 percent very short, 4 percent short, 82 percent adequate and 13 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture levels statewide rated 1 percent very short, 4 percent short, 80 percent adequate and 15 percent surplus.  Here in northwest Iowa, the numbers are a little bit different, with topsoil moisture levels rated 0 percent very short, 5 percent short, 75 percent adequate, and 20 percent surplus.  Northwest Iowa subsoil moisture levels were rated 0 percent very short, 3 percent short, 75 percent adequate, and 22 percent surplus.

The report says, statewide, ninety-seven percent of the corn crop was mature or beyond, 3 days behind last year, but 1 day ahead of the five-year average. Thirty-three percent of the corn crop for grain has been harvested, 4 days behind last year and almost one week behind average. Moisture content of field corn being harvested was at 18 percent. Corn condition rated 82 percent good to excellent.  Here in northwest Iowa, ninety-one percent of the corn crop had matured, with only twenty-seven percent of the corn harvested for grain.

The report says ninety-six percent of soybeans were dropping leaves or beyond, statewide, equal to the five-year average. Sixty-two percent of soybeans have been harvested, 6 days behind last year’s pace.  Northwest Iowa was in line with the rest of the state, with ninety-six percent of soybeans dropping leaves.  We were slightly ahead of the statewide average, with seventy-four percent of soybeans harvested, compared with sixty-two percent statewide.

You can view the latest Iowa Crop Progress and Condition Report by clicking here.



Dordt Sets Record Enrollment

Sioux Center, Iowa — Dordt University set a record enrollment this fall with 1,943 total students, the largest enrollment in Dordt’s

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