WSJ Says Dordt Is #1 Nationwide In Student Engagement

Sioux Center, Iowa — For the fourth year in a row, Dordt University has been named the number one college in the nation for student engagement, according to The Wall Street Journal / Times Higher Education’s 2020 college rankings.

Dr. Erik Hoekstra, president of Dordt University, says that student engagement is at the heart of higher education – so to be named a university that performs well on this essential measure, and to have done so for four years now, “is gratifying and a tribute to Dordt’s faculty, staff, and students.”

According to The Wall Street Journal / Times Higher Education rankings, decades of research has found that the best way to truly understand teaching quality at an institution – how well it manages to inform, inspire and challenge students – is through capturing what is known as “student engagement.”

The Wall Street Journal / Times Higher Education’s engagement category examines answers to four key questions:

To what extent does the teaching apply student learning to the real world?
Do the classes at Dordt challenge students?
Are students engaged in critical thinking and learning?
To what extent does the teaching support reflection on, or making connections among, the things the student has learned?

Hoekstra says he believes that the core of “student engagement” on Dordt’s campus is their common confession of the Lordship of Jesus Christ—in whom all things hold together. He says, “Our entire educational venture finds direction and meaning because of the reality of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection—and it’s that reality which motivates our students to understand and develop their gifts to be effective kingdom citizens.”

Click here for more information.

Photo courtesy Dordt University

