August 2019 Cooler, Drier Than Normal In Sheldon

Sheldon, Iowa — If you got the impression that it was a cooler August than normal in Sheldon, you are right.

The normal average August high temperature for Sheldon is 81 degrees. Our average August high temperature in 2019 was only 78. The highest high was 86 on August 21st. The lowest high was 68, recorded on the very next day, August 22nd.

The low temperatures, however, were right on average. The average August low temperature is 57 degrees, and that’s right where we ended up. The lowest low was 45 on August 30th, and the highest low was 68 on August 11th.

There were no records broken during the month.

It was also a little drier this August than a normal August, but when you consider the high amounts of rain we had this spring, the dry spell didn’t amount to much. Total precipitation for this August was 1.85 inches, compared to a normal August precip total of 3.77 inches. That’s 1.92 inches below normal. But for year-to-date precip, at the end of August, we were at 29.03 inches, compared to a normal year-to-date precip total at the end of August of 20.61 inches. So we were still 8.42 inches above normal on year-to-date precip. The date with the most rain this August was August 18th, when we recorded 0.85 of rain.



Seasons Center To Close Camp Autumn

Sutherland, Iowa — Seasons Center officials tell us they’re going to close their camp near Sutherland. Officials with the behavioral health