For Marketplace Plus:
For Sale:

Chest freezer. 3.8 CUFT. It is white and very clean and has only been used six months. Asking for $125 obo. 712-584-5859. Located in Sanborn.
John Deere garden tractor #430 with 60″ deck and a mounted tiller. 230-0060
White steel off a machine shed. Measures 25 feet long X 32″. Also, strong barn galvanized steel that measures between eight and 12 feet long. Take any amount. The seller has 38 white sheets and 50 galvanized sheets. Will compromise on price. 540-7479.
Two eight feet aluminum step ladders. $40 a piece, or $30 if you take both. 324-3005.
5-ton wagon gear, New Idea 9-foot disc mower, wash line poles, 265 75R 16-inch tires and fuel barrels. 1-712-344-9185
225 Morgan Silver dollars and 10 2 1/2 Indian Gold pieces. 395-0165
Male puppy. It is an Austradoodle. 712-541-4991
7 1/4 Stetson cowboy hat and/or a golf cart. 395-0165
Wheel chair ramp for a house. 712-539-0143
Knowledge Nugget:
According to a study by Ohio State University, the number of distinct human emotions is at least 21. Throughout history, it was believed that there are just a small handful of basic human emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise and disgust. But researchers recruited 230 volunteers to pose for simple portraits. Each photograph was captured after providing the subjects with scenarios to respond to emotionally – things like smelling bad odors, or hearing surprising news.
After capturing 5,000 different portraits, the team fed them to a computer for analysis of facial muscles. This technique revealed that there are 21 different complex emotions that are common to humanity.