Iowa Concern began in 1985 and is a toll-free number serving the agricultural community. The hotline provides access to an attorney for legal education, stress counselors, and information and referral services for a wide variety of topics. ISU Extension field agronomist Meaghan Anderson says the hotline is staffed 24/7. The number to call is 1-800-447-1985.

“They have been incredibly busy this year with Covid and all of the concerns related to that,” Anderson said. “They are a fantastic resource. If anybody is needing assistance, please feel free to call that phone number.”

The Iowa Concern program was brought up Tuesday afternoon by Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig in response to this week’s farm and crop damage from a devastating windstorm on Monday. The secretary said stress is something that should be taken seriously and that Iowa farmers experiencing stress should reach out to professionals.

“This is a very emotional situation for a lot of Iowa farmers,” Naig said. “This has been a challenging year. Add this (storm damage) on top of that and it’s something that we need to keep in mind. That stress is real.”

“I would encourage folks to make use of all of the resources that are out there,” Naig continued. “One of the best resources for folks experiencing stress, or need to talk with somebody and need help, is the Iowa Concern hotline. The staff is trained to take calls and we would encourage folks to make use of that. Again, 1-800-447-1985.”

According to ISU Extension and Outreach, referrals for mental health counseling can also be accessed through Iowa Concern. Read more about the program by clicking here.