FSA Facility Loans Can Help Avoid Another Propane Shortage

(IARN) — Last fall, one of the biggest headaches we faced was not being able to get propane when we needed it. The wet year and the lack of any real drying conditions increased the need for propane to dry grain. This coupled against some cold snaps which increased demand of propane for heating as well. The Farm Service Agency can help you avoid another setback like this for your operation in the future.

Amanda De Jong is the Director of the Farm Service Agency (FSA) in the state of Iowa. She commented on the fact that there wasn’t really a shortage of a propane product, it was an issue of quickly meeting demand.

Those that had more adequate storage faired better in some cases. That is why De Jong suggests taking advantage of some low-interest farm storage loans from the FSA to help you have the ability to hedge your needs against an uptick in demand. These loans can be for new or used storage products. Interest rates on these loans are very attractive.

For more on this story, including audio of comments by Amanda De Jong, visit iowaagribusinessradionetwork.com.

Story courtesy of the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network

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