Sports Scores For Tuesday September 12th

Volleyball and cross country on the Tuesday sports schedule

Sibley Ocheyedan 3, Spirit Lake 2
G-LR 3, West Sioux 0
MMCRU 3, Harris Lake Park  0
Remsen St Mary’s 3, South O’Brien 0
Gehlen 3,  Akron Westfield 2

Cross Country
Algona, Cherokee, Denison-Schleswig, Fort Dodge, Harlan Community, LeMars, MOC-Floyd Valley, Spencer, Spirit Lake and Unity Christian at Storm Lake
Girls Individual
1 #193 Sonderman, Lindsey 11 Harlan 19:11.00
2 #100 Mendlik, Lola 11 Denison-Schleswig 20:04.28
3 #519 Young, Katie 10 Unity Christian 20:06.50
4 #396 Morey, Peyton 11 Spencer 20:10.84
5 #507 Liston, Addison 11 Unity Christian 20:15.33

Team Scores
1 Moc-Floyd Valley 70
2 Unity Christian 83
3 Harlan 101
4 Spencer 109
5 Cherokee 125
6 Lemars High School 149
7 Denison-Schleswig 172
8 Algona 185
9 Storm Lake 196
10 Spirit Lake 248
11 Fort Dodge 337

Boys Individual
1 #445 Hughes, Brandon 11 Spirit Lake 16:24.30
2 #483 Martinez, Luiz 12 Storm Lake 16:35.19
3 #256 Obbink, Trace 12 Lemars High School 16:46.73
4 #315 Mirande, Trevor 11 Moc-Floyd Valley 16:55.94
5 #489 Ramirez-Parra, Joel 10 Storm Lake 17:01.65

Boys Team Totals
1 Moc-Floyd Valley 66
2 Spirit Lake 69
3 Spencer 90
4 Storm Lake 116
5 Algona 140
6 Harlan 160
7 Lemars High School 176
8 Fort Dodge 181
9 Unity Christian 221
10 Cherokee 245
11 Denison-Schleswig 262



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