420 Is April 20th, “If You Feel Different, You Drive Different”

Northwest Iowa — For many people, April 20th is just another day, but for those who partake in marijuana use it is like a holiday for them called 420.

Iowa State Trooper Kevin Krull says the Iowa State Troopers will be on the lookout for impaired driving on 420.

Krull says that 36% of all impaired driving fatalities in Iowa in the last two years involved drugs. There have been 20 fatalities this year in northwest Iowa, 14 of which were in Lyon, Osceola, Dickinson, and Emmet counties. He tells us why the Iowa State Troopers will be partnering with local law enforcement.

Krull explains that April is “Distracted Driving Awareness Month”.

He says it is known that marijuana usage slows down judgment and reaction. Krull says everyone needs to be careful when it comes to distracted driving.

Krull wants everyone to know that if they choose to partake in marijuana use make sure they have a sober ride, it could save your life or someone else’s life.


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