Larchwood Woman Hits Parked Car

Lyon County Sheriff Car Door 60-8A Larchwood woman’s vehicle and a parked vehicle were damaged in an accident on Sunday, June 7th.

The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office reports, that at about 10:48 am, 36-year-old Amber Hess of Larchwood was driving a 2004 Volkswagen Beetle northbound on Hyland Avenue. According to the report, Hess became distracted by adjusting her seat, went off the roadway and struck a parked 2001 Chevy Tahoe, owned by Robert Tracy of Larchwood.

Hess’s Volkswagen received $6000 damage. Tracy’s Tahoe received $2000 damage.

No injuries were reported.

The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office was assisted by the Larchwood EMS


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