Sioux County, Iowa — Numerous scams have been reported this summer. So many, in fact, that we don’t have sufficient time to mention them all.

Sioux County Sheriff Dan Altena says the one thing most of these scams have in common in that they prey, primarily, on the elderly. Altena explains.
Altena says one of the most effective of these scams is the “Grandparent Scam”, because it plays on the emotions of the elderly.
Sheriff Altena says one of the ways you can protect yourself from these scammers is to check your Caller ID, and if you don’t recognize the number, just don’t answer the phone. He offers some other ideas to help avoid being taken for a ride by scammers.
The Sheriff says you need to be aware that there are a lot of scams out there, and most of them target the elderly.
The Sioux County Sheriff’s Office has put together an information sheet on how seniors can avoid scams. You can find that information by clicking here.