2017-18 Sheldon Schools Calendar Approved

Sheldon-Schools-logoSheldon, Iowa — Sheldon Community Schools students will begin the 2017-18 school year on Wednesday, August 23, 2017.  That’s according to the official District Calendar that was approved during Monday evening’s meeting of the Sheldon School Board.

The calendar calls for the 1st Quarter to end on Thursday, October 26th.  The Thanksgiving Holiday Break will run from Thanksgiving Day, with classes resuming Monday, November 27th.  Winter Break will go from December 25th, with classes resuming January 3rd.  The calendar lists the final day of school for the students as May 24, 2018, barring any snow make-up days that may be necessary.  You can view the 2017-18 Sheldon Community Schools Calendar by clicking here.

In other action, the Board approved the purchase of a new school bus.  Three companies had submitted bids for a new bus, and the Board approved the low bid of $82,133.00 from School Bus Sales.  That price is the net cost to the District, and includes a $12-hundred trade-in allowance for the bus the District is retiring.  The Board also gave Superintendent Robin Spears their permission to look for a used pickup truck for the District’s Building and Grounds department.  The current truck is more than 20 years old, and has more than 120-thousand miles.

The Board dispensed with a pair of Open Enrollment Applications during their Monday meeting.  One is for a student open enrolling out of the Sheldon District, into Sibley-Ocheyedan, and the second an MOC-Floyd Valley 5th Grader enrolling into the Sheldon District.

The Board also accepted the resignations of Angie Clark from her Instructional Associate Position at the Middle School effective December 23rd.  Clark says she is resigning because she and her family are moving to Ankeny.  Chris Stotz also resigned from his Industrial Arts instructor position at the high school effective at the end of this school year.  Stotz says he and his wife will be relocating to Des Moines.

The Board approved three hirings at Monday’s meeting.  Becky Schwarz, and Kami Van Egdom will be working in the Food Service department, and Danelle Perry will be working as a Middle School Associate.

The Sheldon Community School Board took no action on a proposal from the Excellence For East Committee on a playground improvement project.  Committee members told the Board that the proposed playground equipment wouldn’t replace the current equipment, but would be an addition.  They say the current playground equipment isn’t big enough to be used by the number of children who are on recess at any one time.  The proposed play structure would cost about $66-thousand, with more than $30-thousand of that cost being a concrete pad, and rubber matting.  The proposed play structure can be seen below.

Monday’s meeting was held in the Sheldon High School Library.




Dordt Sets Record Enrollment

Sioux Center, Iowa — Dordt University set a record enrollment this fall with 1,943 total students, the largest enrollment in Dordt’s

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