Area Landowners Have More CRP Options

CRP grass land grasslandNorthwest Iowa — Area landowners have the opportunity to enroll land in the Continuous Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) into special targeted areas for wildlife.

D-N-R wildlife biologist Todd Bogenschutz says more C-R-P land is now eligible for what’s called the State Acres For wildlife Enhancement or SAFE program.

He says the SAFE program is designed to help particular species of wildlife.

Bogenschutz says Iowa has had success with its SAFE programs.

He says until the recent announcement they didn’t know if any new C-R-P acres would be allowed to go into the program.

The sign up is underway and Bogenschutz urges you to not delay in getting signed up.

The Iowa D-N-R has created a webpage for landowners to learn more about federal and state programs available to them. The webpage includes a list of D-N-R staff who are experts at connecting landowners with programs and writing land management plans that benefit the landowner, wildlife and improve water quality. There is also a link to F-S-A where landowners can find information about their local F-S-A office. The landowner assistance webpage is at

