Barwick Wins 2nd Statewide Award

Cindy BarwickSheldon, Iowa — For the 2nd time in less than a week, a Sheldon school administrator has been named an Outstanding Administrator.

Thursday we told you about Sheldon Middle School Principal Cindy Barwick being selected as the Iowa Middle Level Principal of the Year.  Now Barwick has also been named Outstanding Elementary/Middle School Principal for 2017 by the Iowa Bandmaster’s Association.

Barwick was nominated for the honor by Middle School Band Director Jeana Larson who nominated Barwick due to her part in getting to know individual students and families, volunteering hundreds of hours to accompany the choir and 40 band soloists, financially supporting the program and overseeing schedule changes that kept daily rehearsals.

Barwick will be presented her award at the Iowa Bandmasters Conference Banquet on Friday, May 12th.



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