BeefMeets To Focus On Bottom Line

Spencer, Iowa — Beef producers have a chance to learn some valuable information in our area. The meetings are being called “BeefMeets” and there’s one scheduled in Spencer.

cattle feed feeding isu extension

BeefMeets are replacing the Iowa Cattle Industry Convention, which has traditionally been held in Des Moines in the winter. In an effort to reach more cattlemen across the state, four day-long regional BeefMeets will be held in June. The Northwest Regional BeefMeet will be in Spencer on Wednesday, June 22. Other meetings are scheduled in Independence, Atlantic, and Riverside.

Matt Deppe, Iowa Cattlemen’s Association Executive Director says that they realize that cattle producers from all sectors of the industry are looking at both short-term and long-term ways to increase their profitability during this downturn in the ag economy. He says the Iowa Cattlemen want to make sure producers are up-to-date with the latest technology and industry advances that will help their bottom line.

Speakers will address issues that affect both cow/calf and feedlot operations, from heifer development and best weaning practices to managing cattle under roof and hiring exceptional labor. Lenders and economists will be on hand to provide their perspective on the current ag economy and strategies to get through this down cycle.

In addition to educational sessions, BeefMeets will include lunch, a full tradeshow, and a social gathering at the end of the day. District breakouts will give cattlemen a chance to weigh in on issues affecting their business, and Eldon McAfee will address some of the legal challenges farmers in Iowa are facing, including the Des Moines Water Works lawsuit and numerous nuisance suits.

Other activities throughout the day include an Iowa Cattlemen’s Foundation auction fundraiser during lunch, a free Youth Beef Team training at 1:15, and a social event following the keynote in the afternoon. Join the local county cattlemen’s group outside for samples of new beef products and cold drinks.

Early registration ends June 13 and prices go up $10 at that time. All cattlemen are invited, but there is a discount for ICA members. Students are free. Register online today at

A full list of speakers and topics at the Spencer session:

Hiring and Retaining an Exceptional Workforce

Bob Milligan, Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University
Growing operations need a steady, trustworthy workforce. How can producers increase workforce motivation and decrease employee turnover, while enhancing operational performance and improving profit margins?

Checkoff Q & A – ICA & IBIC Leader

As the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association works towards a referendum to reinstate the Iowa state beef checkoff, producers have questions. Iowa Cattlemen’s Association and Iowa Beef Industry Council leaders will be on hand to explain the goals and intended uses of the state checkoff dollars, as well as answer any questions.

Cattle Health Under Roof: What Have We Learned

Jeff Pastoor & Scott Roskens, Quality Liquid Feeds
What are the specific management benefits of raising cattle under roof? What are the health considerations producers should be aware of? The experienced producer will pick up tips to maximize profits, while producers considering expanding can learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of feeding under roof.

Lender’s Perspective of Navigating Through Large Equity Losses

Bob Butcher, Community Bank & Tim Meyer, Producers Livestock Marketing Association
What are the top notch managers doing to adjust business models and positioning their businesses and personal lives to navigate the economic white waters? What actions need to be taken to keep your business on course and also position it for new avenues of success? This session will provide insight and answers to the most common questions asked by producers, owners, and managers.

Iowa Cattlemen’s Foundation Youth Beef Team Training

YBT training is open to all youth, ages 12 to 18, who are interested in promoting the beef industry.

Increasing the Efficiency of your Acres

Dave Muth, Ag Solvers
With low commodity prices, marginal crop acres may benefit from alternative strategies. Learn how to maximize profit on every acre and revitalize your least productive acres.

Gaining Confidence in Feeder Cattle Prices

U.S. Department of Agriculture
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Feeder Cattle Index, and how does it impact the price of feeder cattle? This session will provide an overview of the history and development of the index as well as a discussion on how reporting takes place.

Legal Climate in Iowa

Eldon McAfee, Brick Gentry
How is the legal climate for agriculture in Iowa changing and how will it affect your farm? Eldon will give a timely update on the Des Moines Waterworks lawsuit, various nuisance lawsuits and attorney general referrals for water quality violations.




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