Cold And Snow Again In The Forecast

Northwest Iowa — Our weather has felt much more like mid-March than mid-February for the past week or two. But it’s time to face the fact that we are only a little over halfway through the winter season. The halfway point is in the first week of February.

Tim Masters, a technician with the National Weather Service office that covers Sheldon — the Sioux Falls office — says in the next few days it will feel much more like February.

He tells us both systems could affect us, but at least for the first one, we will be on the edge of the system.

The weather service has reduced the amount they expected we’d get from this storm. Earlier they were forecasting up to two inches, but at last report, they had revised it down to less than an inch.

Masters says the potential is there for more snow with the second storm, but they are not certain of the track or impact of that one yet.

According to Masters, Tuesday was the last day with highs in the 40s for a while, and it’s going to feel more like February.

So if you’re itching to put away the winter coat and get out the spring jacket, you’re going to have to wait a while yet. And keep those hats and gloves available too. In addition, Masters says it’s been almost a month since our last snow event, so don’t forget to take it easy on the roads and plan for plenty of time to reach your destination.


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