Council Discusses COVID-19

Sheldon, Iowa — Concerns about the Covid-19 Virus were expressed during Wednesday’s Sheldon City Council meeting.  City manager Sam Kooiker told the council that some people have suggested that the City Parks be closed, after the City was notified about a group of young people, definitely more than ten, that had been seen together.  Kooiker said he was concerned about how you close a park when it is so widely open, and he felt it might put a strain on the Police Department.  Later in the meeting O’Brien County EMA Director Jared Johnson told the council that there have been similar concerns statewide. He also reported that a second person in O’Brien County has been tested positive for the virus.  Johnson says some of the equipment needed by the medical services in the county has been procured through the National Guard and they are looking at other vendors as well.

There was also concern that some people are not observing the safety practices required during this difficult time.  For example, one council member reported that he had seen several members of one family shopping in a store, when it would be better if just one had entered the building.

The council also heard the annual report from O’Brien County Development Director Kiana Johnson. One of the many services to the county is the revolving loan fund.  The fund approved 54 loans to O’Brien County businesses in 2019 totaling nearly 4.5 million dollars.  Johnson also talked about the County Tourism program, the Home Town Scholarship, the Value Added Steering Committee, and assistance in estate planning.

In other action, the council set April 15th as the date for several public hearings, most of which deal with rezoning and amendments to the zoning code.

The meeting was held with only a few people in council chambers to comply with the concerns about larger gatherings.  All others involved participated via conference call.
