Council Holds Public Hearing On Proposed Utility Franchise Agreements

Sheldon, Iowa — After a public hearing on the proposed MidAmerican gas and electric franchises at their Wednesday meeting, the Sheldon City Council moved the topic on to the second public hearing and the first reading of the franchise ordinances that will take place at their August 7th meeting.  In the meantime notices of the second public hearing will be published twice as required by State law.

In other business, after the council heard that Schlotfeldt Engineering had reported that the back wall of the H.C. Lane building was now stable, they voted to open the alley behind that building as soon as the contractor had removed the waste material containers.

The council also approved on its third reading an ordinance setting new water rates and an amended late fee procedure for water and sewer bills.  The City will no longer send out reminders to those who had not paid by the tenth of the month.  However, recipients will have 22 days to make the payment before a disconnect notice is issued.

Tom Fouss, of Perspective Insurance had good news to report to the council.  He told them that the Workman’s Compensation Insurance premium for the new year is 34 percent lower than the previous year, which is a savings of sixty thousand dollars.  He also reported a considerable savings with the property and casualty insurance coverage, as well.

In other action, the council gave the green light to the City Administration and SCAT to fill the full-time SCAT position which has been opened by the resignation of Dakota Brown.  Brown will continue to be associated with SCAT as a part-time volunteer.

And, City officials as well as Police Chief Bolkema expressed their appreciation to retiring Police Officer Scott De Goei for his 32 years of service to the citizens of Sheldon. The council meeting was followed by an open house in De Goei’s honor.


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