Details On Bond & Special Issues That Passed In Tuesday’s Election

Northwest Iowa — Every bond issue in our four-county area passed last night. They needed at least 60 percent to pass.

The $19.16 million Sheldon Community School District bond issue got 72.66 percent. Among other things, the project will include ten new classrooms, a new Special Education suite, Flexible learning areas, a new choir area, new band area, a dedicated classroom and lab space to support the future of science education, improved collaboration space, athletic spaces, renovated locker rooms, a new wrestling and multi-purpose room, a new weight room, new spaces for ag, art, and consumer sciences, an improved entrance, ADA compliance, and some mechanical, electrical, and plumbing replacement. Click here for more information on the Sheldon project.

The $15.5 million West Sioux bond issue got 80 percent. They plan to remodel and improve the elementary schools in Ireton and Hawarden.

The $25 million Rock Valley Bond issue got 73 percent “yes” votes. They plan to add additional space as a high school and then bring up students from lower grades into the building that used to be the high school. Several other additions and renovations are also planned.Click here for more information on the Rock Valley project.

Both the West Sioux and the Rock Valley bond issues had been voted down twice before, but were approved this time.

The $19.8 million West Lyon bond issue got 69 percent. It is to be the biggest project in the school district’s history. Find out more by clicking here.

Harris-Lake Park’s $18.6 million got 76 percent. It would include a pre-K through fifth grade building, a gym, moving food service and administrative services into that building, a practice facility, possibly a bus barn and more. For more on that project, click here.

The Osceola County Jail bond got 65 percent yes votes. It is for $5 million. Officials there tell us they need to pass jail inspections and the old facility couldn’t do that anymore. The project would help them be able to supervise prisoners visually. The 911 center will be moved and the jail cells will sit around that. Find more information on that project by clicking here.

And Sioux Center voters approved an increase in the city’s hotel-motel tax from 5% to 7%.

