Duck Dive Tickets Available Now

rubber ducksSheldon, Iowa — Sheldon Celebration Days is less than 3 weeks away, and you could find yourself $1-thousand richer by winning a game sponsored by the Sheldon Noon Kiwanis club as a fundraiser.  The Noon Kiwanis Duck Dive will take place immediately following the Celebration Days Parade, on Labor Day, and tickets for the game are available now.

Noon Kiwanis Acting President Curt Strouth tells us about the fundraiser.

Strouth tells us about some of the things the Noon Kiwanis club is able to do each year, with funding from the Duck Dive proceeds.

He tells us how the Duck Dive works.

Strouth says Duck Dive tickets are available in a couple of different ways.

He says the Sheldon Noon Kiwanis is always looking for new members, and talks about how you can find out more information about the group, and what they do.

For a list of Sheldon Noon Kiwanis Club members, CLICK HERE.

