Extreme Cold Can Create Livestock Issues

Northwest Iowa — If you think these cold temperatures are hard on us, just think about outdoor livestock. Some of them are more built for cold weather, but even that has its limits.

We talked to Iowa State University Extension Swine Specialist Dave Stender. He tells us some things to keep in mind.

Experts say if animals are outside in these extremely cold temperatures, any wind makes it just that much worse. So if you can provide a windbreak, that is very beneficial, as it raises that “feels like” temperature for the animals to the air temperature instead of the windchill.

He tells us some considerations for other animals, especially swine.

Of course, with “inside” pigs, the name of the game is ventilation. And with subzero temps, that becomes much more difficult, says Stender.

For more information, you can call your local extension office.

