Learning To Cope With Holiday Stress Can Be An Excellent Gift To Yourself

Statewide Iowa — (RI) — The holidays are touted in song as being the most wonderful time of the year, but between family squabbles, travel troubles, money issues and more, it can be a very stressful time for many of us.

Mary Limas, a therapist with the Senior Life Program, says the best gift you can give yourself for Christmas is to learn some coping skills.

For all the things we can’t control, Limas says there are things over which we -do- have power, including when family and relationships are involved.

In today’s society, we’re taught to never surrender, but in terms of holiday stress, Limas says surrender can be sweet.

If discussion about politics during holiday gatherings brings you stress, Limas says you need to look inward.

Limas says we need to strive to enjoy the holiday season in our own ways, and not let stress be a part of it.



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