More Than 35% Of Iowans Obese, 7th Highest In U.S.

Statewide Iowa — A new report concludes Iowa has one of the highest obesity rates in the country. More than 35 percent of Iowans are considered obese, according to a report by the non-profit Trust for America’s Health. That makes Iowa’s obesity rate seventh highest in the nation.

Nadine Gracia is executive vice president for the group that did the study. She says obesity can lead to serious health issues.

Gracia says in Iowa and elsewhere, it’s often hard to find affordable, healthy food and a safe place to exercise.

The national obesity rate is the highest its ever been — about 31 percent — and Iowa’s obesity rate is four percent higher than that. The Trust for America’s Health says obesity is “a growing epidemic” in America and policymakers must take action. The group suggests several steps to address the problem, including new taxes on sugary drinks to try to reduce consumption of high-calorie sodas.



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