Scammers At It Again

Northwest Iowa — There’s another potential scam going around the KIWA listening area that you’ll want to be aware of.

A listener has reported to KIWA that she received an automated phone call, purportedly from Sanford Medical, that there was an issue about her account and that she needed to contact them. The lady tells us that she hadn’t been able to take down the phone number she was instructed to call, so she used the information on her ‘My Sanford Chart’ to contact the Sanford Health Business Office and was told that that the Business Office did not, in fact, need to speak to her and that there were no issues with her account.

She says she didn’t think much about it until she saw information on social media that other people had received the same call.

KIWA reached out to Rick Nordahl of Sanford Sheldon Medical Center who says, “Sanford Health will never call you over the phone, asking for payment. All payments are billed to patients either through the mail or their My Sanford Chart account. If patients do need to make a payment over the phone, they should initiate the call and contact the Sanford business office directly.”

So, from all appearances, there is another new scam being perpetrated on people in our area.



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