Weekly USDA Crop Report

USDA NASSSheldon, Iowa — Iowa’s wettest week of the year, with especially heavy rains in northern Iowa, limited fieldwork during the week ending September 11, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. In Sheldon, we reported a total of 3.57-inches of rain for the week, making it the wettest here, as well.  Statewide there were just 3.7 days suitable for fieldwork statewide.  Here in the northwest, we had just 2.9 days suitable for fieldwork. Producers reported seeing corn stalk rot and stress on soybeans due to excessive moisture. Activities for the week included chopping corn for silage, seed corn harvest and cutting hay, according to the report.

The report rates topsoil moisture levels, statewide, at 1 percent very short, 3 percent short, 86 percent adequate and 10 percent surplus, with topsoil moisture rated zero percent very short, 7 percent short, 81 percent adequate, and 12 percent surplus here in northwest Iowa. Subsoil moisture levels rated 1 percent very short, 6 percent short, 84 percent adequate and 9 percent surplus statewide, while here in the northwest part of the state we saw subsoil moisture at zero percent very short, eight percent short, eighty one percent adequate, and eleven percent surplus.

Ninety percent of the corn crop reached the dent stage or beyond, 5 days ahead of the five-year average, both statewide and here in northwest Iowa. Twenty-nine percent of corn had reached maturity, 3 days ahead of last year, but 1 day behind average statewide, while twenty percent had reached maturity here in northwest Iowa.  Corn condition rated 83 percent good to excellent. Sixty-two percent of soybeans have started to turn color, 2 days ahead of last year’s pace statewide, with fifty-four percent turning color in northwest Iowa. Nineteen percent of soybeans were dropping leaves, 3 days ahead of average statewide.  Here in northwest Iowa ten percent of soybeans have started dropping leaves, according to the report.  The report lists soybean condition as rated 82 percent good to excellent.

For a complete look at this week’s Crop Progress Report from the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, please click here.



Dordt Sets Record Enrollment

Sioux Center, Iowa — Dordt University set a record enrollment this fall with 1,943 total students, the largest enrollment in Dordt’s

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