5 MPH Speed Limit On ALL Dickinson County Lakes

Spirit Lake, Iowa — Meeting in emergency session on Monday afternoon, the Dickinson County Emergency Management Commission voted to implement a 5 mph speed limit on ALL Dickinson county lakes. That includes Big Spirit, East and West Lake Okoboji, Upper and Lower Gar Lakes, and all other lakes in the county.

Emergency Management Coordinator Mike Ehret says the commission opted to take the action even though the lakes at the time of the meeting were still below the required thresholds for the limit.

Ehret says the Emergency Management Commission is tentatively scheduled to meet again this Friday at 12 Noon at the courthouse in Spirit Lake.

Ehret says the only exception to the 5 mph limit is for DNR enforcement personnel as well as the fire boat with the proper lights and warning equipment. Violators will be subject to a fine of $95.25.


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