Antifreeze Is Good For Your Car, Deadly For Your Body

Northwest Iowa — Northwest Iowans who are prepping their cars for winter may top off the antifreeze level in their engine, but as the experts at the Iowa Poison Control Center remind, be careful with those chemicals.

Registered Nurse Jean Hammack says antifreeze comes in an array of colors, including blue, pink and green, but all of them are hazardous if swallowed.

It’s best to leave antifreeze and wiper solution in the original gallon bottles, she says. After using part of the product, don’t transfer it to a smaller bottle, especially one that once contained juice or a sports drink.

Because of the color and sweet taste, children often mistake these chemicals for drinks, while pets may lick up spilled fluid from the floor. Hammack says to keep the poison center number programmed into your phone — 1-800-222-1222.



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