Autumn’s Center Says “Thanks” For Playground Grant

Sutherland, Iowa — The 2018 camp season has wrapped up at Camp Autumn near Sutherland, and those in charge there and at the Seasons Center for Behavioral Health say that a new playground was enjoyed the last few weeks of camp season. And they’re taking an opportunity to send out thanks to the O’Brien County Community Foundation.

Seasons Center for Behavioral Health received a $7,000 grant this past June from the O’Brien County Community Foundation/Siouxland Community Foundation for outdoor playground equipment for Camp Autumn. Camp Autumn is a therapeutic camp for children, located at 4233 Yew Avenue in Sutherland, Iowa. Camp Autumn, an extension of Autumn’s Center, a regional children’s center located in Spencer, Iowa, served over 140 children through nine weeks of summer day camps in 2017 and over 200 children in 2018. Camp Autumn is named after Autumn Elgersma of Orange City who lost her life in the care of her babysitter.

Kim Scorza, CEO/President of Seasons says that playgrounds offer tremendous learning opportunities to kids of all ages, helping them develop and build physical, emotional, social, and cognitive skills. For example, running across a bridge and through tunnels helps improve gross motor skills and balancing skills. Having unstructured free play, such as what occurs on playgrounds, helps build self-confidence and the ability to release emotions. Time spent playing with friends helps a child build their social and relationship-building skills and playgrounds give opportunity for both group interaction and solitary play skills. Research shows that play also helps children develop judgement, reasoning, and creativity skills.

Scorza says they are extremely grateful to the O’Brien County Foundation for what she calls, “this wonderful gift.” She says that due to this gift and in partnership with private donors the playground is going to be used to help children grow and develop into healthy adults.

Iowa counties’ community foundations such as the O’Brien County Community Foundation are given money if they do not have a casino or betting track in the county. The law stipulates that such counties are eligible to receive one-half of one percent of the state’s gross gambling receipts. Private citizens and estates also donate to community foundations.

For more information on Camp Autumn and Seasons’ services, you can visit and Facebook page

