Sheldon’s All-American Blood Drive A HUGE Success

Sheldon, Iowa — KIWA and the Community Blood Bank asked, and our listeners delivered!! Monday’s All-American Blood Drive was a huge success.

The Community Blood Bank Bloodmobile accepted donations Monday in front of the KIWA Studios in downtown Sheldon, and Community Blood Bank Executive Director Ken Versteeg tells KIWA that the donation calendar for Monday’s visit was fully booked before the bloodmobile accepted its first donation Monday.

(As above) “Everybody came out to give, and yeah, before we even began the drive, even a few days before the event we were completely booked, which is a really good problem.”

Versteeg says anybody who wanted to give blood Monday, but was unable to, will have another chance next month.

(As above) “I know there’s a lot of people out there that wanted an opportunity to donate blood and they couldn’t. So we’ve got an additional blood drive coming out because we had such a huge response from the community.”

He expressed his thanks to everybody who took part in Monday’s All-American Blood Drive.

(As above) “We’re just grateful for KIWA Radio and all the listeners out there, and those people that came out to give blood to provide what is really needed for Sanford Sheldon Medical Center.”

The July blood drive will be at the KIWA Studios on Friday, July 17th from 9 am to 2 pm. Versteeg says donating blood that day is going to be just as important as it was to donate for Monday’s blood drive.

(As above) “Not only are we gonna need blood today, but we’re also going to need blood in July because COVID has really limited the amount of donors that are willing to come out and give.”

He reminds us that the Community Blood Bank is the SOLE supplier of blood and blood products to Sanford Sheldon Medical Center.

(As above) “This is a (great) way of being able to provide blood to Sanford Sheldon, and it’s also a way to remember that there’s always the need for blood in the community.  If you haven’t had a chance to donate, know that you can come out and give on July 17th from 9 to 2.”

Versteeg had a final word for those who donated during Monday’s All-American Blood Drive.

(As above) “What you’ve done is provide hope for those patients in the hospital during this time. We’re going into the fourth of July holiday here really quick in another week, and patients that are in the hospital right now that receive blood, you’re providing hope for people….family members and friends of that patient, and you’ve provided some additional opportunities for them to share family time and enjoy life, basically. So know that you provided hope and that’s what you’re doing for local community members, your neighbors, your friends, maybe a staff member that you work with. But you’re definitely making a big difference.” 

On behalf of KIWA Radio, thank you for stepping up. We’ve always maintained that we have the best listeners on the planet, and you have proved us right once again.


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