Weekly Crop Progress & Condition Report

USDA NASSNorthwest Iowa — Here in northwest Iowa we currently lag behind the state average for corn harvested for grain, according to the latest Iowa Crop Progress & Condition Report released Monday (October 31st) by the United States Department of Agriculture National Agriculture Statistics Service.

Here in northwest Iowa, the report says the corn harvested for grain is about 45-percent complete, while the statewide average is 52-percent complete.  We are slightly ahead on the soybean harvest however.  The statewide soybean harvest sits at about 77-percent, while here in our area 86-percents of the soybeans have been harvested.

The number of days suitable for fieldwork last week was 6.1 statewide, while here in northwest Iowa we saw just 5.0 days suitable for fieldwork.

In the Topsoil Moisture category, here in northwest Iowa our topsoil moisture is rated 0-percent very short, 4-percent short, 80-percent adequate, and 16-percent surplus.  The state averages in those categories found topsoil moisture 1-percent very short, 4-percent short, 82-percent adequate, and 13-percent surplus.

Grain movement from farm to elevator was rated in the report at 12-percent none, 25-percent light, 37-percent moderate and 26-percent heavy. Off-farm grain storage availability rated 20-percent short, 75-percent adequate and 5-percent surplus. On-farm grain storage availability rated 26-percent short, 70-percent adequate and 4-percent surplus.

You can view this week’s entire Iowa Crop Progress & Condition Report from the United States Department of Agriculture National Agriculture Statistics Service by clicking here.



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